How to Generate a Balance Confirmation Letter in Tigg ?

Tigg’s balance confirmation letter generation feature allows users to create highly customized letters for customers and suppliers by using Custom Tags.


Last Update vor 4 Monaten

Balance Confirmation Letter in Tigg

A balance confirmation letter is a formal document typically used by businesses to verify the balance of accounts held by a customer or supplier at a specific date. This letter is usually sent out to external parties such as customers or suppliers as part of an audit or end-of-year financial processes.

Tigg’s balance confirmation letter generation feature allows users to create highly customized letters for customers and suppliers by using Custom Tags. These tags are placeholders that automatically populate with the relevant information based on the organization, customer, or supplier details, as well as transaction data within a specified date range.

How to Generate a Balance Confirmation Letter ?
  1. Navigate to the Customer or Supplier page.

  2. Click on the Export Options button.

  3. From the dropdown, select Generate Balance Confirmation.

  4. A preview of the Balance Confirmation Letter will appear, allowing you to either print or download the letter.

  5. The date range of the confirmation will match the date range selected in the top right corner of the page.

How to Modify the Template ?
  1. Go to Configuration > App > Custom Templates.

  2. Select either the Customer or Supplier template.

  3. Click the Edit icon next to the template name.

  4. An editable window will open, allowing you to make changes to the letter as per your requirements.

  5. Save the changes to apply them to future balance confirmation letters.

How to Create a New Template Design ?
  1. In the Custom Templates section, click on +Create New Template.

  2. Choose a base template as a starting point.

  3. An editor window will open where you can design and customize your new template.

  4. Once designed, save the template. It will then appear in the template list for future use.

How to Change the Default Template ?
  1. To set a template as the default, simply click on the desired template.

  2. A green tick mark will appear, indicating that the selected template is now the default for generating Balance Confirmation Letters.

What are Custom Tags in Template Design?

Custom Tags are placeholders that populate specific information dynamically when generating letters for customers or suppliers. These tags ensure that the letter is personalized with relevant data.

To use a custom tag when editing or creating a template, simply click the "Custom Tag" option. A list of all available tags will appear, and when you click a tag, it will automatically be inserted at the cursor's current position in the editor window.

Available Custom Tags for Balance Confirmation Letters:

Organization Tags :
These tags populate details related to the organization generating the letter.

Organization Name 
$[ORGANIZATION_NAME]$Populates the name of the organization
Organization Display Name
Populates the display name of the organization
Organization Address
$[ORGANIZATION_ADDRESS]$Populates the organizations full address
Organization Phone
$[ORGANIZATION_PHONE]$Populates the organizations phone number
Organization Email$[ORGANIZATION_EMAIL]$Populates the organizations email address
Organization Website
$[ORGANIZATION_WEBSITE]$Populates the organization's website URL
Organization PAN
$[ORGANIZATION_PAN]$Populates the organizations PAN
Contact Tags :

These tags provide details about the customer or supplier receiving the balance confirmation letter.

Contact Name$[CONTACT_NAME]$Populates the customer or suppliers name
Contact Address$[CONTACT_ADDRESS]$Populates the customer or suppliers address
Contact Phone$[CONTACT_PHONE_NUMBER]$Populates the customer or suppliers phone number
Contact Email$[CONTACT_EMAIL]$Populates the customer or suppliers email address
Contact PAN$[CONTACT_PAN_NO]$Populates the customer or suppliers PAN
Date Tags :

These tags specify the relevant dates for the balance confirmation process.

Opening Balance Date$[OPENING_BALANCE_DATE]$Populates the starting date of the selected date range
Closing Balance Date$[CLOSING_BALANCE_DATE]$Populates the ending date of the selected date range
Today's Date$[DATE_TODAY]$Populates the date when the letter is generated

Balance Tags : 

These tags provide financial data for the selected customer or supplier.

Opening Balance$[OPENING_BALANCE]$Populates the starting balance for the selected period
Closing Balance$[CLOSING_BALANCE]$Populates the ending balance for the selected period
Debit Amount$[DR_TOTAL_AMOUNT]$Populates the total debit transactions during the period
Credit Amount$[CR_TOTAL_AMOUNT]$Populates the total credit transactions during the period
TDS Amount$[TDS_AMOUNT]$Populates the total TDS deducted during the period
Sales Tags :

These tags provide details on sales transactions with the customer for the selected period.

Total Sales$[TOTAL_SALES]$Populates the total sales amount (excluding VAT and returns)
VAT on Sales$[VAT_ON_SALES]$Populates the VAT collected on sales
Taxable Sales$[TAXABLE_SALES]$Populates the sales subject to VAT
Non-Taxable Sales$[NON_TAXABLE_SALES]$Populates the sales not subject to VAT
Credit Note Total$[CREDIT_NOTE_TOTAL]$Populates the total sales returns (excluding VAT)
VAT on Credit Note$[CREDIT_NOTE_VAT]$Populates the VAT on sales returns
Taxable Credit Note Total$[TAXABLE_CREDIT_NOTE_TOTAL]$Populates the sales returns subject to VAT
Non-Taxable Credit Note Total$[NON_TAXABLE_CREDIT_NOTE_TOTAL]$Populates the sales returns not subject to VAT
Net Sales$[NET_SALES]$Populates the total sales after returns
Purchase Tags :

These tags provide details on purchase transactions with the supplier for the selected period.

Total Purchase$[TOTAL_PURCHASE]$Populates the total purchase amount (excluding VAT and returns)
VAT on Purchase$[VAT_ON_PURCHASE]$Populates the VAT paid on purchases
Taxable Purchase$[TAXABLE_PURCHASE]$Populates the purchases subject to VAT
Non-Taxable Purchase$[NON_TAXABLE_PURCHASE]$Populates the purchases not subject to VAT
Debit Note Total$[DEBIT_NOTE_TOTAL]$Populates the total purchase returns (excluding VAT)
VAT on Debit Note$[DEBIT_NOTE_VAT]$Populates the VAT on purchase returns
Taxable Debit Note Total$[TAXABLE_DEBIT_NOTE_TOTAL]$Populates the purchase returns subject to VAT
Non-Taxable Debit Note Total$[NON_TAXABLE_DEBIT_NOTE_TOTAL]$Populates the purchase returns not subject to VAT
Net Purchase$[NET_PURCHASE]$Populates the total purchases after returns

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