Managing Customers

A customer is a person or organisation who buys a product/service from the organisation.


Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

A customer is a person or organisation who buys a product/service from the organisation.

In the customer menu, you can create a customer or view, edit and make inactive previously created customers.

How to create new customer in TIGG?

  1. In the Sales Module, Go to the customer.
  2. Click on “+ Add New” to create a new customer. A dialog appears for a new contact, fill in the relevant information such as name and contact details as displayed on the screen.
  3. To fill in additional information such as PAN, credit term, credit limit and opening balance, click on “+Add More Details”.
  4. Click on "Save" to save and exit the dialogue box.

Options for customer

When a selected customer is opened, options can be used to edit, Make Inactive, Create transactions, add contact personnel.

Add Contact Personnel: In the Customer information section for the selected customer, contact person details can be added from the “Contact Personnel” by clicking on “Add Contact Person”. You can add multiple contact personnel for the same customer.

Edit Customer: in the option under edit, you can edit details for the selected customer.

Add Transaction: From the option, you can directly initiate relevant entries such as Record Payment, Create Quotation, Create Sales Order and Create Invoice for the selected customer.

Make customer inactive/active: In the option, for the selected customer, you can change the status of an active customer to inactive or vice versa. If the customer status is attempted to be changed, a warning dialog box will appear to either “Dismiss” or “Continue” with the decision. You can always revert the status of the supplier at any time. Note that: for any Inactive customers, will not be available to be used in further transactions.

View Customer Statement: On the Customer, page click on the “View full statement” link to view the statement of the customer.

Field description

Name*Name of customer
Phone NoPhone no of customer
EmailEmail of customer
AddressAddress of customer
PANPAN of customer
Credit TermDefault Credit Term provided by the customer
Credit LimitApplicable Credit Limit provided by the customer
Opening BalanceOpening balance of customer on the accounting starting date

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