Cash Transfers

Transaction where the balance is transferred from one cash or bank account to the other.


Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

Cash transfers refer to the transaction where the balance is transferred from one cash or bank account to the other.

In Cash Transfers, you can inter-accounts transfers for cash and bank accounts of the company.

Essential Requirement

To create and use the cash transfers, it is essential and advisable to create the following

  • Cash/Bank account

Create Cash Transfers

  1. In the Accounting Module, select Cash Transfers.
  2. Click on “+ Add New” to create a cash transfers entry.
  3. Unique # transfer number will be generated automatically if set to auto in configuration or fill manually if set to manual.
  4. In the “Transfer From Account”, select the cash or bank from the list from which the balance is to be transferred/deducted.
  5. In the “Date”, select the date of transfer from the pre-designed calendar by clicking on the calendar icon.
  6. Manually Type in the relevant reference in the “Ref#” box.
  7. Select the cash/bank account for the amount to be transferred to in the “Transferred To” from the dropdown list for the previously created cash/bank account. You can select the multiple “transferred to” bank/cash account if the transfer is made from the bank/cash account selected in the “Transfer From Account” field. Note: If the cash/bank account is not previously created, you cannot create a new cash/bank account from the cash transfer entry. You can however create a new cash/bank account in “Bank Accounts” under the “Accounting” module.
  8. Type in the note/relevant information in the “Note” box.
  9. Select reporting tag and custom fields if applicable.
  10. Click on “Save” to proceed further or click on “Reset” to clear the fields and start over again.

Options for Cash Transfer

When a selected transfer entry is opened, options can be used to edit, make duplicates, void, print the selected purchase order.

Quick Action Button: For the draft cash transfer entry, the quick action to “Approve” will be suggested.

Edit Cash Transfer– in this option, you can edit the previously created cash transfer.

Make Duplicate – if you select this option, a replica of the currently displayed cash transfer will be created as a new one. You can however still edit the details/information and save it as a new cash transfer.

Void this Cash Transfer– This option nullifies/invalidates the currently selected cash transfer. Once a transaction is voided such transaction cannot be reverted later.

Print /PDF: For any document opened, may it be draft or approved, you can preview, print or save as pdf. Tigg offers a pre-designed template for the user, however, you can design/change the templates from “Configuration” in “Printing Templates”

Field description

#TransferCash Transfer number
Transfer From AccountCash/bank the transfer is made from
DateDate of cash transfer
Transfer ToCash/bank the transfer is made to
AmountAmount transferred
NoteNote/relevant information for the transfer

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