Supplier Payment

Transaction that involves the payment or settlement for the procurement of the product to the supplier by the buyer.


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

Supplier payment is the transaction that involves the payment or settlement for the procurement of the product to the supplier by the buyer. Supplier payment can be made either partly or in full and may incur at the point of purchase, at the end of the credit period or in advance.

In Supplier Payment, you can initiate all the payments for the purchase bills, expenses, outstanding payments or advances.

Essential Requirement

To initiate the supplier payment, it is essential and advisable to create the following

  • Supplier
  • Bank Accounts

Creating New Supplier Payment

  1. In the Purchase module, select Supplier Payment.
  2. Click on “+Add New” to create a new payment entry or payment can be created directly from the purchase bill and expenses transaction by clicking on “record payment”.
  3. Unique Payment Number will be generated automatically if set to auto in configuration or fill manually if set to manual.
  4. Upon clicking the “Paid To” field, a drop-down list will appear for the existing suppliers. Select the desired supplier name from the list or type in the name manually. If desired supplier name is not previously created, click on the “Add New” option and fill in the details to create the supplier.
  5. Click on the “Paid From” field, a drop-down list will appear for the bank accounts/cash in hands already opened. Select the bank account/cash in hands from the list. You can only make the selection from the list and cannot be entered manually. If not already created, you can create a new bank account/cash in hands from the “Accounting/Bank” module.
  6. Select the “Date” from the pre-designed calendar by clicking on the calendar icon.
  7. Type in the Amount to be paid to the supplier.
  8. In the Payment mode section, click on Payment mode. Select the mode of payment from the list. In the Payment Reference, type in the transaction details e.g. Purchase bill number, cheque number, etc.
  9. In the TDS section, select “No TDS” if TDS is already allocated while entering the purchase bill or if not applicable for the particular payment. If TDS is not previously allocated, Click on “TDS”. Choose the TDS account from the list in “TDS Account”. If the TDS account is not already created, click on “Add New” to create a new one.
  10. Select the TDS code from the TDS type, then enter the TDS amount for the transaction.
  11. In the payment allocation, the list of previously booked bills will be generated for the selected supplier. For the current payment, the amount is allocated in FIFO (First In First Out) method by default. But you can manually allocate the payment by entering the amount to the relevant payment in the “This Allocation” box. The list gives the details such as date of bills, amount, the amount left to allocate and amount allocated from the current transaction.
  12. You can provide notes to customers and also select the reporting tag to inform the designated personnel about the payment.
  13. Click on the “Save” icon. Click on the desired action from the pop-up box or click elsewhere to save the payment as a draft. If saved as a draft, you can approve the purchase order from the draft tab. OR
  14. Click on the “Reset” icon to clear all the fields and start again.

Options for Supplier Payment

When a selected supplier payment is opened, options can be used to edit, make duplicates, void, print the selected payment transaction.

Quick Action Button: For the draft supplier payment, the quick action to “Approve” will be suggested which shall approve the payment.

Edit Payment– in this option, you can edit the previously created payment entry.

Make Duplicate – if you select this option, a replica of the currently selected payment entry. You can however still edit the details/information and save it as a new payment.

Void this supplier payment – This option nullifies/invalidates the currently selected supplier payment. Once a transaction is voided such transaction cannot be reverted later.

Print /PDF: For any document opened, may it be draft or approved, you can preview, print or save as pdf. Tigg offers a pre-designed template for the user, however, you can design/change the templates from “Configuration” in “Printing Templates”.

Field description

#PaymentSupplier Payment Number
Paid ToName of supplier whom the payment is made
Paid FromBank/Cash account from which the payment is made
DatePayment date
AmountAmount to be allocated
Payment ModeMode/Nature of Payment
Payment ReferenceCheque Number, Transaction ID, etc.
No TDSSelected if TDS is not applicable or allocated
TDSIf TDS is applicable or to be allocated
Payment AllocationAllocate the payment amount for the particular purchase bill or expenses

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