
An item or Service offered for sale.


Last Update há 3 anos

A product is an item offered for sale. A product can be a service or an item. It can be physical or intangible. Every product is made at a cost and each is sold at a price.

In Tigg, you can create tangible products as goods and services as it suits your business with various variants, units, prices, etc. of products.

Essential Information

To create and use the products, it is essential and advisable to create the following

  • Product Category
  • Primary Unit

Create Product

  1. In the Inventory Module, select Product. Click on the “Goods” or “Services” tab to display the list of all the product items created under “Goods” or “Services”.
  2. To create new goods/services, Click on “Add New”. Click on “Goods” to create new inventory products and “Service” for the Service items.
  3. For both Goods/Services, you can simply create items or click on “Add More Detail” to provide additional information.
  4. For new goods, Type in the product name. Select the product category from the dropdown list under “Category” to create new by clicking on “Add New”. Select tax type from the dropdown list under “Tax”. Select the unit of measure from the dropdown list under “Primary unit” or create a new unit by clicking on “Add New”. Click on “Save” to finalize the product.
  5. Under Goods, if you click on “Add More Details”, you can provide further information to the product.
  6. You can add additional information related to products like “Selling Price” and “Purchase Price” to the item. You can also provide additional information such as “Sales Account”, “Purchase Account”, “Sales Return Account” and “Purchase Return Account”, “Valuation Method”, ” Reorder Level” and the option to Track Inventory.
  7. If you click on “Variant Product”, you can create multiple variants of the item based on their shape, size, color, model, etc. as suited for your product line. Type in the attribute of the product such as size, color, etc. in the “Variant” box and specifics to the particular attribute such as different size number, color, etc. in the “Option” box. For every different variant and option, Tigg will create individual products automatically
  8. Click on “Save” to finalize the product.

    Options for Products

    Edit– in this option, you can edit the previously created product/service.

    Convert to Good/Service– in this option, you can convert the previously created goods into service and vice versa.

    Make Inactive– in this option, you turn previously created products/services inactive and revert the inactive products/service to active when needed.

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