Inventory Adjustment

Adjustment entries made to items for differences between recorded and actual inventory items.


Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

Inventory adjustment refers to adjustment entries made to items for differences between recorded and actual inventory items.

In tigg, you can make inventory adjustments to items for the difference in inventory items and also extrapolate the value of the adjustment.

Create Inventory Adjustment entry

  • Under the Inventory Module, go to Inventory Adjustment.
  • Enter the date of adjustment. Type in the reference for the adjustment.
  • Select the product from the dropdown list of pre-created items. Type in the quantity(use “-” for negative quantity) and rate for the products selected. You can provide notes, reporting tags, and custom fields.
  • Click on Save to finalize the entry or Reset to clear the fields and start again.

Options for Inventory Adjustments

Edit: In this option, you can edit the previously created adjustment.

Make Duplicate: if you select this option, a replica of the currently displayed adjustment entry will be created as a new adjustment. You can however still edit the details/information and save it as a new adjustment.

Void Adjustment: This option nullifies/invalidates the currently selected adjustment. Once a transaction is voided such transaction cannot be reverted later.

Field & Description

#Transfer*Adjustment entry no.
DateDate of Adjustment
ReferenceReference if any
Product/Item to be adjusted
QuantityQuantity to be adjusted
RateRate of the item to be adjusted
AmountTotal Amount of the adjustment
NoteNote for the adjustment

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