Creating New User Account

How to create user account ?


Last Update 9 maanden geleden

Create a New User

In order to use Tigg, you are required to be a tigg user. If you are not already a user or don't have an account in tigg, you can complete the following easy steps to be a new user.

  1. Go to in your web browser.
  2. Click on the “Get Started” button located at the top right corner of the screen.
  3. You will be directed to the “Create New Account” page. Type in your valid email address and click on continue to proceed to the email verification page.
  4. You can use an email address from any email service provider such as,, etc. or your valid company email address as well.
  5. (If you are already a tigg user, you can click on “Log In” to access your tigg account.)
  6. You will receive a four-digit verification code in the email address you have provided in Tigg.
  7. Type in or copy the four-digit verification code from the email into the “Email Verification Code” box and click on continue.
  8. In case the verification code is not received in the email, you can request the verification code by clicking on “Ask Again”.
  9. Upon the successful verification of your email address, you will be prompted to the account opening page.
  10. Enter your full name and create your unique password.
  11. (The password must be at least 6 to 20 characters long and must contain at least one number. You are also allowed to use special characters while creating the password.)
  12. Re-type your password for the confirmation of the password and click on “Create Your Account”.
  13. Provide your phone number and date of birth in displayed format, then click on “Update Profile” or you can skip to the next page by clicking on “Skip this Step”.
  14. You will be directed to the sign-in page. Type in the verified email address and the password you have used to create your account and then click in “Login”.
  15. You will be prompted to your account where you can access all the companies you have created or you have been provided access to under this account.

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